top Product Hunt alternatives

for finding AI products


new AI tools come out every day, and there is a strong competitive advantage for your business, your profession or just your life in general to be using the newest and best technology out there to improve your productivity or more broadly speaking, you're 'usefulness' to the world. On this page, we're listing the best AI tool agregators there are online to help you in this task.

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There is an AI For That

this site currently lists more than 20'000 AI tools, including reviews and AI generated FAQs for each tool

categories and tags

you can seach for tools using super specific tags such as 'Gmail Email Writing' or 'ChatGPT For Gmail' making it easy to find exactly what you need


TAAFT also has a neat timeline feature, allowing you to see changes and updates for the categories and products you're interested in


you will always find alternatives to each product you look at, making it easy to browse around


this site currently lists more than 20'000 AI tools, including reviews and AI generated FAQs for each tool

business function

you can seach for tools using super specific tags such as 'Gmail Email Writing' or 'ChatGPT For Gmail' making it easy to find exactly what you need

direct click to the site

TAAFT also has a neat timeline feature, allowing you to see changes and updates for the categories and products you're interested in

charges to list products

this means you will find less products there since companies have to pay between $200-$500 to list

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smaller site, with mostly AI generated content, but with a good search feature

charges to list products

this means you will find less products there since companies have to pay between $40-$300 to list


this site has a deals section, kind of like Appsumo, making it potentially interesting to find cheap products.

direct click to the site

TAAFT also has a neat timeline feature, allowing you to see changes and updates for the categories and products you're interested in

AI Zones

heavily AI generated content, but you'll find every possible tool there

low cost to list products

this site charges $20 to list your product but it does a lot of automatic listing anyway.

platform filter

you can filter by platform (Slack, Outlook, Gmail, ...) to help you find an AI tool for your favorite tool.

combine tags, search & platforms

you can combine multiple filters to find the exact tool that will fit your needs. Though there are still so many to choose from...

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